Ocean Myranda

Ocean Myranda Poems

Happy Birthday, wish you were here,
Happy Birthday, wish I was there,
Happy Birthday, my dear,
Happy Birthday, I say with care.


A fallen angel found on the ground,
Her broken wings folded around her,
Her halo bent and broken,
She was left to die.

Everyone has a hidden truth,
Though some may not agree,
You don’t need to hire a sleuth,
This hidden truth is just for you and me.

To have you in my life,
Means everything to me,
I loved you once, loved you twice,
I think you’d agree.

Darkness all around me,
I feel you, suffocate,
No one else is around my misery,
Can I give anyone the key to the gate?


Ever feel like you don't belong?
Just never being able to do anything right?
Trying so hard, but still doing everything wrong?
Like, you're surrounded in darkness looking for light?

Staring up at the star lit sky,
Watching each star light up with every sigh,
Seeing how bright each star is,
Nothing could be better than this.

Every few nights a fog covers the sky,
Trying to see anything past your eye.

Going in a circle, completely lost,

Lost, confused, hurt,
Broken, fearful, anger,
Useless, alone, unwanted.

Oh no! I lost my shoe!
I can find one, just not the other,
I always lose my shoe, how about you?
One shoe is not good enough, I need another.

People think they know me,
They think that I’m easy,
If only they could see,
How I’m not free.

Who am I to judge?
Who am I to say?
Who am I to pray?
Who am I?

Morrie knew he was going to die,
Every Tuesday Mitch would come on by.
Each Tuesday, they would talk,
Still, Morrie could not walk.

Calm emotions cause small waves to flow,
Anger causes tsunamis to blow.
Waves from each emotion,
All controlled by me, Ocean.

Ever since I heard you had to leave,
I cried and my heart broke,
I couldn’t do anything, but grieve,
After those last words, you spoke.

Broken hearted again today,
I don’t know what to say,
Somehow this always happens to me,
Won’t anyone hear my plea?

The darkness of your petals,
The sweetness of your scent,
The beauty that dwells inside you,
All your life well spent.

Loving you always,
We can never be apart,
Loving you forever,
“Till death do us part”!

I’m sorry for all the pain I caused,
I didn’t mean for it to happen this way,
I wanted to be with you forever and a day,
Something about you changed, everything paused.

Many ways to control people,
You have through the mind,
You have through the body,
And then you have both.

Ocean Myranda Biography

My name is Ocean, I love writing. I love to write poems, they help me vent out what I am feeling. I am writing books. I wrote one book, it's called, The Mystery of Mystery <- Series name The Secret of Mystery <- Book Title I finshed my second book: The Mystery of Mystery The Search for Mystery I am writing my third book: The Mystery of Mystery Mystery's Battle My first and second books are getting publihed, will updat more later, I already know what I'm gonna do for my fourth book.)

The Best Poem Of Ocean Myranda

Happy Birthday My Love

Happy Birthday, wish you were here,
Happy Birthday, wish I was there,
Happy Birthday, my dear,
Happy Birthday, I say with care.
Happy Birthday My Love

I love you,
Happy Birthday,
I miss you,
Happy Birthday,
Wish I could see you.
Happy Birthday My Love

Happy Birthday, wish I could give you a kiss,
Happy Birthday, wish I could give you a hug,
Happy Birthday, if only you, I didn’t have to miss,
Happy Birthday, I wish I could hold you all snug.
Happy Birthday My Love

War is around us,
Happy Birthday,
I miss us,
Happy Birthday,
Wish you didn’t have to leave us,
Happy Birthday My Love

I can’t believe I’m losing you!
You can’t leave me!
Please come back, we can’t be through!
My heart is still with thee!
Happy Birthday My Love

Happy Birthday My Love,
I still love you,
Happy Birthday My Love,
You’re in my heart,
Happy Birthday My Love,
I know that’s where you’ll stay,
Happy Birthday My Love,
I’ll stay alive for you,
Happy Birthday My Love

Ocean Myranda Comments

Sanjeev Patankar 01 May 2009

Really good i wish i should continue

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